East Asia Translation Business News

New: East Asia Translation Business News

East Asia Translation Business News

About this: http://eepurl.com/c-mWo

About East Asia Translation Business News
First thing I want to say is, Please don’t be overly impressed! This “newspaper” is simply a collection of the best news content linked to in the Tweets of industry people we follow every day. The online application is an aggregator. The stories you see there are from links posted on Twitter in the past 12 hours by the many we follow. The news is completely refreshed every 12 hours. It took only a few minutes to create this. If you follow a lot of people on Twitter, you can make your own in minutes usingĀ  paper.li. We’re sending this out just to ask our clients, partners, vendors and friends to help us build a little momentum behind East Asia Translation Business News. (I launched it just this morning.)

Really, who likes tweeting? I don’t.
Normally I see no point in Tweeting. It sometimes seems like another waste of my time or other staff members’ time. (Usually it’s my time.) But I discovered this “paper.li” just this morning and its format makes a lot of sense. They’re not paying me to say so. I genuinely like very simple, very usable web applications. Digesting the posts that matter becomes a cinch.

So, I’m sending this mailing to explain how it works and how we can collaborate just by following each other on Twitter.

Our offices now, after the triple disasters in Northeast Japan
We’re all fine. The Osaka office was barely shaken. The Tokyo office was badly shaken, though. There are rolling blackouts, and a number of other inconveniences. We remain open for business but expect things to be a little slower for at least a couple of months. Meanwhile, let’s connect on Twitter!

If you’re concerned about the effects the disaster is going to have on business in the rest of East Asia in general, and on business in the translation/localization industry in particular, please be sure to bookmark East Asia Translation Business News now. It gives a fresh overview twice a day, all by aggregating links that matter to the companies we follow on Twitter.

You can participate almost effortlessly
We’ll be happy to follow your company on Twitter. If we do, some of your posts will become part of the news when you link to material relevant to the translation industry — news about your company, about conferences, about TM software, or about East Asia (Japan or China or Korea or Taiwan, Hong Kong, Mongolia, etc.)